

Propositional Logic Indirect Proof Generator info

Propositional Logic Indirect Proof, also known as Proof by Contradiction in the context of Propositional Logic, is a method of reasoning that seeks to establish the truth of a proposition by assuming its opposite and demonstrating a logical contradiction. In this app, you can generate natural deduction styled indirect proofs for propositional logic.

For more detailed information, see Wikipedia

See Propositional Logic Indirect Proof Generator here

Input Syntax

All uppercase alphabets are allowed as predicates. Use of empty premises is not allowed.

  • Conjunction (And Operation): The operator for conjunction is represented by the symbol "∧" or "&". It combines two propositions and is true only when both propositions are true.
    Example: P ∧ Q, A & B
  • Disjunction (Or Operation): The operator for disjunction is represented by the symbol "∨" or "|". It combines two propositions and is true when at least one of the propositions is true.
    Example: P ∨ Q, A | B
  • Material Implication: The operator for material implication is represented by the symbol "->. It represents "if...then..." statements and is true unless the first proposition is true and the second is false.
    Example: P -> Q
  • Biconditional: The operator for biconditional is represented by the symbol "<->". It represents "if and only if" statements and is true when both propositions have the same truth value.
    Example: P <-> Q
  • Negation: For the operator of negation, the symbols "~", "!", and "¬" are permissible. It is used to reverse the truth value of a proposition.
    Example: ~P, !(P -> Q), ¬R

Supported Rules

  • Modus Ponens (MP) (Also known as: Implication Elimination, Affirming the Antecedent)

    Modus Ponens is a valid rule of inference that states if you have a conditional statement (p → q) and the antecedent (p) is true, then you can infer that the consequent (q) is also true.

  • Modus Tollens (MT) (Also known as: Denying the Consequent)

    Modus Tollens is a valid rule of inference that states if you have a conditional statement (p → q) and the consequent (q) is false, then you can infer that the antecedent (p) must also be false.

  • Material Implication (MI) (Also known as: Implication Equivalence)

    Material Implication is a logical equivalence rule that simplifies conditional statements. It states that (p → q) is equivalent to (¬p ∨ q), where ¬ represents negation and ∨ represents disjunction.

  • De Morgan's Laws

    De Morgan's Laws are a set of rules that describe how to negate conjunctions and disjunctions. They state that ¬(p ∧ q) is equivalent to (¬p ∨ ¬q) and ¬(p ∨ q) is equivalent to (¬p ∧ ¬q).

  • Simplification (S) (Also known as: Conjunction Elimination)

    Simplification is a rule that allows you to simplify a conjunction (p ∧ q) to its individual components (p and q).

  • Hypothetical Syllogism (HS) (Also known as: Transitive Law)

    Hypothetical Syllogism is a valid rule of inference that states if you have two conditional statements (p → q) and (q → r), you can infer the conditional statement (p → r).

  • Biconditional Elimination

    Biconditional Elimination is a rule that allows you to extract the implications from a biconditional statement (p ↔ q). It results in two conditional statements: (p → q) and (q → p).

  • Biconditional Introduction

    The Biconditional Introduction is a fundamental rule in propositional logic. It allows you to establish a biconditional statement (p ↔ q) when you have both implications: (p → q) and (q → p). In other words, if you have 'p implies q' and 'q implies p,' you can infer the biconditional 'p if and only if q.' This rule is used to express that two propositions are logically equivalent and can be interchanged in logical reasoning.

  • Disjunctive Syllogism (DS)

    Disjunctive Syllogism is a valid rule of inference that states if you have a disjunction (p ∨ q) and the negation of one disjunct (¬p or ¬q), you can infer the other disjunct.

  • Addition

    The Addition Rule is a logical inference rule that allows you to introduce a disjunction (OR) by asserting one of its disjuncts. In other words, if you have a proposition p, you can derive the statement (p ∨ q), where q represents any arbitrary proposition. This rule is useful when you want to expand your set of premises or conclusions by asserting a new possibility.

  • Double Negation (DN)

    Double Negation is a rule that states that double negating a proposition (¬¬p) is equivalent to the original proposition (p).

  • Conjunction

    The Conjunction Rule, also known as Simplification, is a fundamental rule of propositional logic. It states that if we have two individual propositions 'A' and 'B,' then we can infer the conjunction 'A and B' (A ∧ B). This rule allows us to simplify complex propositions by breaking them down into their constituent parts for analysis and inference.

  • Transposition (Also known as: Contrapositive)

    The Transposition Rule, also known as the Contrapositive, is a fundamental rule in propositional logic. It allows us to transform an implication (p → q) into its contrapositive form (¬q → ¬p). In other words, if we have an implication 'p implies q,' we can infer its contrapositive, which states that 'not q implies not p.'

  • Negation (¬)

    Negation, often denoted as ¬, is a fundamental logical operation that negates a proposition. If a proposition p is true, then ¬p is false, and if p is false, then ¬p is true.

  • Assuming the Contradiction

    Assuming the Contradiction is a step in a proof by contradiction where you assume the opposite of what you want to prove and derive a contradiction from it. This involves assuming ¬p, where p is the proposition you wish to prove, and then demonstrating that this assumption leads to a logical contradiction.

  • Reiterating the Contradiction

    Reiterating the Contradiction is a step in a proof by contradiction where you highlight the contradiction that arises from assuming ¬p (the opposite of what you want to prove). This step emphasizes that the assumption ¬p cannot be true, leading to the conclusion that p (the proposition you want to prove) must be true.