Thank you for your reports and feature requests. They help make the app better for everyone. :)
the astrophysicists are right about the age of the universe
(Q->R)->Q = !(!Q V R) V Q = (Q&!R) V Q = Q
Link: https://www.mylogichub.com/propositional-logic-calculator?argument=%5B%22(Q-%3ER)-%3EQ%22,%22Q%22%5D
Link: https://www.mylogichub.com/truth-table-generator?argument=%22(P%20-%3E%20Q)%20-%3E%20P%22
This is a class assignment I've been working on for HOURS. I need help so bad.
Should be a simple case of the Dilemma
THis is a valid argument and is proveable through natural deduction.
1. A -> (P -> ~C) 2. Q -> (A & C) 3. Q -> ~P
From problem set where all formulas are valid and need to construct proofs to proof
From a problem set where all formulas are valid and need to proof their validity, therefore this formula should be valid
Link: https://www.mylogichub.com/quantificational-logic-calculator?argument=%5B%22%E2%88%80x(x%7C~x)%22%5D
this is not valid
For the argument " Some corporations that overcharge their customers are investor-owned utilities, because some unethical businesses are not non-investor-owned utilities. All ethical businesses are non-overcharging corporations," where is the X (or Xs)? Group of answer choices 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 on the line there are no Xs
For the argument " Some corporations that overcharge their customers are investor-owned utilities, because some unethical businesses are not non-investor-owned utilities. All ethical businesses are non-overcharging corporations," where is the X (or Xs)?Group of answer choices1234567on the linethere are no Xs
Carnap says this is incorrect. DeM does not work in this context.
Argument Error
Argument Error
Can be solved using conjunction and then constructive dilemma
Argument Error
Argument Error
Argument Error
1 (P → Q) ∧ (Q → P) 2 P → Q ∧E 1 3 Q → P ∧E 1 4 P ∨ Q 5 P 6 Q →E 5, 2 7 P ∧ Q ∧I 5, 6 8 Q 9 P →E 3, 8 10 P ∧ Q ∧I 8, 9 11 P ∧ Q ∨E 4, 5–7, 8–10 12 (P ∨ Q) → (P ∧ Q) →I 4–11
I just plugged this one into the truth tree checker and it shows that its valid!
Argument Error
Argument Error
Argument Error
Please help to solve it asap
this is AIE - 3 not AIE - 1
Argument Error
Argument Error
Argument Error
Argument Error
Argument Error
Argument Error
Developer's Reply: Thank you for reporting :)
"All M are S" is major premise.
Developer's Reply: The confusion may arise from the fact that, in a standard-form syllogism, the first premise is the major premise. However, in the entered argument, the second premise is the major premise as it contains the major term "P" (the predicate of the conclusion). The program converts the argument into standard-form and displays the details accordingly. As a fix to this misunderstanding, the app now displays a note to show this if the premises are not in order. Thank you for reporting :)
Argument Error
Developer's Reply: The current method of natural deduction applied here does not support deriving A from A→A. This would require an assumption, which is not supported in the method of natural deduction employed here, taken from the book: Introduction to Logic by Irving Copi, Carl Cohen, and Victor Rodych. However, another system with assumptions, conditional, and indirect annotated derivations is in development.
Argument Error
Developer's Reply: Thank you for pointing out the error. This argument was reported twice, and I assume the problem with the argument lies in the redundant steps after step 6, since L and ∼L already constitute the contradiction. In future updates, this redundancy will be significantly reduced. For the time being, things are incrementally being optimized.
Argument Error
Argument Error
it wont show the full image
Developer's Reply: Thank you for reporting :))
The venn diagram is empty.
Developer's Reply: This was due to syllogistic arguments containing fallacies. The venn diagram has been updated and now it also lets you know if there is a fallacy within the provided argument.
(P→Q)∧(P→¬Q)∧P should be a contradiction, but the 1st implication in the 2nd line is incorrect, T→F is not T. I wonder why this happened.
Link: https://www.mylogichub.com/truth-table-generator?argument=%22(P-%3EQ)%E2%88%A7(P-%3E~Q)%E2%88%A7P%22
Developer's Reply: I am not so sure why/how that happened. But from the attached link, it does show the argument as a contradiction.
Premises: La not(Lb) therefotr exists X exists y (Lx & not(Ly)) it says argument is not valid
Developer's Reply: I don't fully understand. La ~Lb, must have an operator between them. Perhaps you forgot to include it in the error report. Feel free to make another :)
Logic proofs with axiom kf replacement
Conjunctive normal form generator/solver
Application error: a client-side exception has occurred (see the browser console for more information).
Changing English into quantification logic
Developer's Reply: Although, it is a bit tricky but doable. I might include it in later versions of the app :)
It keeps crashing for me :((
¬P, P ↔ Q ⊢ ¬Q
The page became unresponsive
Link: https://www.mylogichub.com/quantificational-logic-calculator
Developer's Reply: I’ve identified a performance issue with one of the algorithms. Since, the entire app runs in the browser, certain external factors can affect the algorithm run-time. To help, I’ve shifted the heavy processing to the background and added a time limit to prevent slowdowns.
Make it so I can test for equivalence between propositions like, ALL S are P | No non-P are S it would be awesome if I could enter this in and have it create a diagram and tell me if they're equivalent. great website saved me on the final day of a class. Love the font as well feels awesome to type haha. have a great day!!!
Developer's Reply: Good idea! Will include it in later versions of the app.
Natural Deduction Calculator
Developer's Reply: The current calculators are using natural deduction. Do you mean a specific type of natural deduction ?
I want a feature that's going to break down the problem the right way and no add more problems to the proof that is not there
Developer's Reply: I am currently working on removing the redundant steps from the proof. It is a bit tricky to adjust the algorithm to only simplify related steps, but removing them at the end may be feasible. Thank you for your patience.
Could you make natural deduction work for invalid arguments? Essentially, natural deduction to obtain the desired conclusion, regardless of the argument's validity. Thank you!
Developer's Reply: Thank you for the request. If you could elaborate further on what does it mean to have natural deduction work for invalid arguments? If the argument is invalid, how can natural deduction be used to obtain the conclusion from the premises. Perhaps I am misunderstanding something.
Hey, very nice app btw. I'm having an issue when trying de QL calculator. It keeps telling me that the predicate Iis in a wrong place but, i mean, its the only place that it is able to go! Thanks. I don't know If i am doing something wrong
Developer's Reply: The current format is as such: ∃x ( Px ). The quantifier must be outside the parentheses of the wff it quantifies. Hope this fixes it :)
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