Whats New


a little while ago

Counter Model Generator via Truth Functional Expansion

Added a counter-model generator that uses truth-functional expansion for domain generation. It is currently unstable, but a stable release will be available soon. User reports and arguments help significantly in patching bugs hence the unstable release(s) :))

some time ago

History Page

The user can now see their recently entered arguments.

some time ago

Settings Feature

The user can now change the font and logical operator symbols for an improved experience.

some time ago

Simplify Error Reporting

Added a feature so that the user can report any argument on the respected pages by just the click of a button with the option to add a description.

some time ago

This page.

Added this page to show ongoing and completed development changes.

some time ago

Fixed App Crashing

Users reported that a specific argument is causing the browser window to freeze. The main issue seems to be an overloaded recursive algorithm. A temporary fix has been implemented - web workers have been used to take the load away from the main thread and stop the script after a given time.