Semantic Tableaux, often referred to as a truth tree, is a graphical method used in logic and formal semantics. It serves as a tool for determining the validity or satisfiability of logical formulas or sets of formulas.In this app, you can generate tree proofs for propositional logic. Work is currently in-progress to extend this app to FOL semantic Tableaux. The x at the end of each branch represents the absurdity marker for that branch.
For more detailed information, see Wikipedia
See Semantic Tableaux Generator here
All uppercase alphabets are allowed as predicates. Use of empty premises is not allowed.
The Conjunction Rule is used to split a branch into two branches, each representing one of the conjuncts of a conjunction in the formula.
The Negation of Conjunction Rule is used to create a branch that assumes the negation of a conjunction, effectively treating it as a disjunction of negations.
The Disjunction Rule is used to create two branches, each assuming one of the disjuncts of a disjunction in the formula.
The Negation of Disjunction Rule is used to create a branch that assumes the negation of a disjunction, effectively treating it as a conjunction of negations.
The Negation Rule is used to create a branch that assumes the negation of a subformula, effectively changing the truth value of that subformula.
The Double Negation Rule is used to eliminate double negations by simplifying them back to the original subformula.
The Implication Rule is used to create two branches, one assuming the antecedent of an implication, and the other assuming the negation of the consequent.
The Negation of Implication Rule is used to create a branch that assumes the negation of an implication, effectively treating it as a conjunction and a negation.
The Biconditional Rule is used to create two branches, one assuming the conjunction of the implication in one direction, and the other assuming the conjunction of the implication in the opposite direction.
The Negation of Biconditional Rule is used to create a branch that assumes the negation of a biconditional, effectively treating it as a disjunction of implications.